Reference Consulter
01 HAMAIDI Badr Eddine, BOUSSAD Boumeddane, ABDALLAH BENAROUS, DAVID Vera, Unlocking the Potential of Date Palm Waste for Syngas and Methanol Production: Process Simulation and Optimization, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Volume 182, Pages 98-108, February 2024. En savoir plus
02 Bentoumi, L., Bouacida, T., Bessaih, R., Bouttout, A. (2024). Impact of thermal insulation on energy consumption in buildings. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 10(4), 924-935. En savoir plus
03 DERRADJI Lotfi, MAGRAOUI Chaima, LIMAM Amel, BOUTTOUT Abdelouahab, MERABTINE Abdelatif. Energy management of smart buildings in the era of connected innovation and technology. Accepted Book chapter, Wiley book, 2023.  En savoir plus
04 Yacine Bakhtaoui and Abdelkrim Chelghoum (2024). "Implementation and verification of direct infinite elements in axisymmetric problems”. Journal of Geomechanics and Geoengineering (JGG), (Article en cours de publication by the ASPS editions (https://asps-journals.com/index.php/JGG). En savoir plus
05 K. CHALAH, A. BENIDIR, M. MAHDAD, A. HAMMAS, « Mechanical And Physical Properties Of High-Strength Mortar:  Experimental And Analytical Study », Algérie Equipement, N°70 : 06-18, e-ISSN: 2716-7801. En savoir plus



Reference Consulter
01 A. Benidir, M. Amara, S. Debbakh and S. Bensaid. On the Multi-Frequency Electrical Impedance Measurement of Concrete. International Conference on non-destructive evaluation of concrete in nuclear applications. Proceeding, ISSN 1799-490X, pp 205-212. 25-27 janvier 2023. Espoo, Finlande. En savoir plus
02 Behloul, Djamila, Sid Ali Rafa, and Belkacem Moussai. "Numerical analysis of laterally loaded barrette foundation." Soils and Rocks 46 (2023). En savoir plus
03 Ziou, H.; and Guenfoud, M. (2023).Simple incremental approach for analysing optimal non-prismatic functionally graded beams. Advances in Civil and Architectural Engineering. Vol. 14, Issue No. 26. pp.118-137, https://doi.org/10.13167/2023.26.8 En savoir plus
04 Ziou, H., & Guenfoud, M. (2023).  A complete disquisition of various parameters on the bending analysis of functionally graded nanobeams.  Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, 21(1), 19–27. https://www.ajme.ro/PDF_AJME_2023_1/L3.pdf. En savoir plus

Bouttout Abdelouahab. Forced convection during cooling of power supply box using pulsation flow with piezoelectric fan. IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Vol. 18 No .6, 2023.

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06 Bakhtaoui, Yacine. « New Procedure for Soil-Structure Interaction Problems Incorporating Free-Field Effects by 2D Quadratic Elements ». Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 165, janvier 2024, p. 105843. DOI.org (Crossref), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2023.105843. En savoir plus
07 ROUAZ Idriss, Haytham Bouzid, (2023). Numerical evaluation of shear strength of CFS shear wall panel with OSB sheathing. In Structures (Vol. 57, p. 105330). Elsevier. En savoir plus
08 B. XIONG; J. WANG, A. BENIDIR, C. DEMARTINO, Y. XIAO.  Design and calibration of a large-scale 155-mm Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (Springer). En savoir plus
09 KHERBOUCHE, A. BENIDIR, B. BEZZAZI. Study of rheological characteristics and mechanical strength properties of natural rubber vulcanizates varying the type and content of carbon black. Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 21(2023), pp. 1050-1056. En savoir plus
10 A. BENIDIR, S. DEBBAKH, S. CHAÏBEDDRA. On the Assessment of Actual Compressive Strength of Concrete in Reinforced Columns: Influence of Core Diameter and Slenderness Ratio. Selected Scientific Papers - Journal of Civil Engineering. Volume 18 (2023) - Issue 1 (December 2023).  En savoir plus
11 Behloul, Djamila, Sid Ali Rafa, and Belkacem Moussai. "Numerical analysis of laterally loaded barrette foundation." Soils and Rocks 46 (2023). En savoir plus
12 Hassina Ziou, Mohamed Guenfoud, “Modal behaviour of longitudinally perforated nanobeams”. Advances in Civil and Architectural Engineering, 2023, 14 (27), 143-159. En savoir plus
13 A. BENIDIR, S. DEBBAKH, S. CHAÏBEDDRA. Sur l'évaluation de la résistance réelle du béton de structure : Corrélation entre la méthode destructive et non-destructive (ultrasons). Academic journal of civil engineering. Octobre 2023. En savoir plus
14 A. TALHAOUI, A. BENIDIR, N. FEZIOUI. Contribution à l'évaluation des propriétés thermiques et mécaniques des constructions en béton. Academic journal of civil engineering. Octobre 2023. https://doi.org/10.26168/ajce.41.4.2 En savoir plus
15 LIMAM Amel, DERRADJI Lotfi, BOUTTOUT Abdelouahab, ‘’The Algerian Experience in Energy Efficiency of High-Performance Buildings in Semi-Arid Climate’’, International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJERMCE), Vol 10, Issue 10, October 2023, ISSN (Online) 2456-1290. En savoir plus
16 N. Rabahi Touloum, A. Brara, Advanced decay of the Fontvieille porous limestone used in the construction of Pouillon’s housing estates in Algiers (Algeria), Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports En savoir plus






M. M. Hadj Brahim, H. Afra, "Linear and Equivalent-Linear Direct Transfer of Bedrock Response Spectrum to Free Surface." IJGEE vol.13, no.1 2022: pp.1-26.

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K. Chalah, M. Mahdad, A. Benmounah, R. Kheribet, Effect of silica fume on cement rheology properties in presence of superplasticisers, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 58, Part 4, 2022, Pages 1246-1250.

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A. Benslimane, A. Benidir, Analytical stress solution in hyperelastic thick-walled sphere under external pressure using different strain energy functions. Biopolymer Application Journal. Février 2022.

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A. Brara, Critical Infrastructure: Design and Behavior of Materials Under Impact and Explosion Loads, Ebook Vol. 60: Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection pp. 24–49, Series NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, IOPS Press, Kruszka eds, April 2022.

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A. Benidir, O. Flamand, G. Dimitriadis, S. Mctavish, K. Yamauchi, H. Sato, On the mechanism of divergent cable movement: contribution of the bistable flow activity in the critical flow regime. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics; September 2022.

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A. M. B. Tidadini, L. Derradji, E. Djakab, M. Amara, Impact of window area and energy sources on the optimum insulation thickness and CO2 emission rate in residential buildings, International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development, Vol. 13, 2022. En savoir plus



M. A. N. Haddad, H. Semmari ,M. C. Lekhal, K. Imessad, M. Amara, L. Derradji, Optimization of building energy performance through passive design measures in the Mediterranean climate, International Journal of Ambient Energy, Decembre 2022.

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M. Mahdad, A. Benidir, S. Ait Said, A. Brara, Vieillissement des constructions en blocs de terre stabilisée ageing of stabilized earth block constructions. Algérie équipement. Janvier 2022.

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A. Benidir, C. Demartino, M. Amara, M. Mahdad, Benslimane A. Sur l’étude du comportement dynamique du béton en compression: traitement des données et validation des essais. Algérie équipement. N°67. Juin 2022.

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N. Rabahi Touloum, A. Brara, Advanced decay of the Fontvieille porous limestone used in the construction of Pouillon’s housing estates in Algiers (Algeria), Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports; December 2022. En savoir plus






M. Mahdad, A. Benidir, I. Belaidi, Experimental and numerical evaluation of Quasi-Static Indentation behaviour of laminates with polypropylene matrix. Composites Theory and Practice.

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Rabahi-Touloum, N., Brara, A. The occurrence of thaumasite in newly built concrete constructions under the semi-arid climate of Northeastern Algeria. Mater Struct 54, 69 (2021) En savoir plus


Benidir, A., Flamand, O., Dimitriadis, G., & Delpech, P. (2021). Aerodynamic Instability of Circular Slender Structures Due to Bistable Flow Activity. Structural Engineering International, 32(1), 71–77. En savoir plus


Errebai, Farid Boudali, Lotfi Derradji, Amel Limam, and Mohamed Amara. 2021. “Energy Efficiency and Economic Profitability between Standard and High Energy Performance Dwellings in a Semi-Arid Climate.” International Journal of Ambient Energy 43 (1): 4020–36. En savoir plus


Aleshkin, V. M., Abdelouahab Bouttout, A. O. Subbotkin, Mohamed Ladaoui Benferhat and Marwa Amara. “Acoustics of the Ketchaoua Mosque in Algeria.” Acoustical Physics 67 (2021): 302-311. En savoir plus


N. Rabahi-Touloum, A. Brara, & D. Dessandier. ‘’Weathering patterns of the hard greystriped limestone in the typical Mediterranean climate of northeastern Algeria at the Roman city of Djemila’’. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment (2021). En savoir plus


M. Mahdad, A. Benidir, A. Brara. ‘’Experimental assessment of mechanical behavior of a compressed stabilized earth blocks (CSEB) and walls’’. Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures, Vol 8, N°1 Mai 2021. En savoir plus


Hassina Ziou, Hamza Guenfoud, Mohamed Guenfoud, “A Simple Higher-Order Shear Deformation Theory for Static Bending Analysis of Functionally Graded Beams”. Journal Jordan of Civil Engineering, 2021, 15 (2), 209-224. En savoir plus


Hafida Djabali-Mohabeddine, Nouredine Bourahla, Deliah Khemissa, Idriss Rouaz, ‘’Performance of a Hybrid Neural Network-Reduced Flexibility Index Method for Localization and Severity Detection of Damages in a Gravity Dam’’, Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, SCENG-1028R2.  En savoir plus





M. Belaoura, A. Brara, Analyse Critique des Essais de Traction Dynamique sur le Béton (Critical Analysis of Dynamic Tensile Tests on Concrete), Algérie équipement, Juin 2020, N° 63 : 01-08, e-ISSN: 2716-7801.

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M.E.G Belgacem , R. Neves, A. Talah, Service life design for carbonation-induced corrosion based on air-permeability requirements; Construction and Building Materials 261, 120507, 2020. En savoir plus


Belgacem, M.E.G., Talah, A., Neves R., Belhamel F., Kechidi S., ‘Experimental contribution concerning the effect of carbonation reaction on the oxygen permeability of concrete’; - Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 64(4), pp. 1259-1268, 2020. En savoir plus


Fodil N., Chemrouk M., Relevance of the Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test for Strength Assessment of High Strength Concretes.  Materials Science and Engineering Journal, IOP Publishing ltd, Vol: 960, 2020. En savoir plus


GUENFOUD, H., HIMEUR, M., ZERGUA, A., ZIOU, H., & GUENFOUD, M. (2020). A thin flat shell finite element based on the strain approach with a true rotation. Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 35(1), 446-450. En savoir plus


Rouaz, I., Bourahla, N., Kechidi, S. (2020). Effect of openings on cold formed steel shear wall panels, GRAĐEVINAR, 72 (9), 771-780 En savoir plus


Boudali Errebai F, Chikh S, Derradji L, Amara, M, Younsi Z., Optimum mass percentage of microencapsulated PCM mixed with gypsum for improved latent heat storage. Journal of Energy Storage. En savoir plus