Ladies and gentlemen, it is with pride that I address these few words, as Director of the National Center for Integrated Building Studies and Research (CNERIB).

After more than thirty (30) years serving the center, at the head of the Structures Division, it is for me an honor to occupy this position. The challenge is all the more acute, since in view of the global economic and health situation, the shadow of uncertainty hangs over companies and economies deemed to be the strongest.

However, there is no need to fall into alarmist discourse; a seasoned mind sees in the present context an opportunity to be seized. It is up to us to once again undertake ambitious but realistic projects, structured on the basis of a creative but responsible vision.

This is how we reaffirm our ambition to best ensure the missions assigned to us by the various regulatory texts, and to make the most judicious decisions alongside our supervisory Ministry, our Board of Directors and our Scientific Council.

We will also have the chance to work on a daily basis with our loyal partners from the public, economic and social, national and international sectors as well as our talented collaborators on whom we are counting more than ever to exceed all expectations.

We remain faithful to our ambition and commitment to put Research at the service of Construction.